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OS reader - Nextlog




Nextlog is a second brain application meant to aid your learning and reading experience. It eventually aims to act as a repository of your knowledge and information assimilated and distilled based on your preferences.

What will the products main result should be from user perspective?

  1. Rapidly learning complex topics from mixed media forms : Having a process for consuming sources of information,In a way that allows me to see how the pieces fit together,While pointing to more detailed resources should they be needed.
  2. Retaining insights and understanding : On many occasions you have put in the effort to truly understand a particular concept – grokking it at an intuitive level. Then, a few weeks/months later, you realise that you have forgotten the understanding that you worked so hard to gain. This is an incredibly frustrating situation. The tool should help you get back to intuition level understanding quickly
  3. $O(N^2)$ growth : Doubling the number of things you read should quadruple what you know.
  4. Synthesising new ideas:
  5. Encouraging positive learning habits : Tool should be enjoyable and habit forming to inculcate reading habit.

Who can use this?

  1. People who like to read/listen to long form multimedia (Newsletters, PDFs, Ebooks, websites)
  2. Academicians
  3. Researchers

Why should we use your product?

  1. We aggregate data sources for you to have one place to read and store your reading/information
  2. Data is segregated into categories based on your segregation.
  3. Retrieval of information is easy.
  4. Intuitive tagging of information and knowledge map to go down a rabbit hole if needed.

How are you different from Obsidian? We love obsidian for its simplicity ( yet powerful plugin community) and open source build which ensures you are in control at all times of your data. But there is a huge learning curve towards setting up obsidian. This generally puts off learning behaviour. Also we are not a note taking app rather a knowledge base which slowly accumulates your readings/highlights and your knowledge retrieval in case you need it.

How are you different from Readwise? Again, huge admirer of what readwise is doing and has done but we want to bring a better experience along with open source self hosting benefits to ensure that all your data stays with you if you want it.

Idea Board

How is the entire app structured? App will contain of sections below

  1. Feeds
  2. Knowledge Base
  3. Tags and notes
  4. Future ready : Anki flashcards, GPT based interactions and rabbit hole learning.


Feeds is anything that will act as a source to your knowledge base generation. This can include but not limited to

  • Newsletters
  • PDFs
  • Ebooks
  • Videos
  • URLs/ Articles
  • Twitter
  • Podcasts
  • Anything the future can spin off

Feeds are primary for gathering and reading which in turn slowly builds your knowledge base. Knowledge builds by reading and going down rabbit holes and it is essential to build solid reading habit. In current age a lot of media forms enable rich source of information but to grow your own we need to read/summarise/extract and collate relevant information at one place.

Knowledge base Knowledge base will be built using some building blocks to guide the overall structure a. Tags : Think of this as personal Wiki. A piece of information that does not belong to you. It can be a technique, concept, formula, framework. You can build tags using the sources that you read. b. Notes : Notes links various atoms of the same "category" or "topic" to create an area where you can look at the same idea/concept from various sources and correlate it or build your own notes out of it. Think of it as the "Note" which you write against the tag. c. Topics : Think of this as the meta category under which your atoms and molecules sit. A single concept can belong to multiple topics

To summarise Feeds = Sources Tags = highlights Notes = personally written Topics = Category(categories) under which a tag and note sits.

Overarching ideagram